Nikoletta's Shop

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A sign is pinned to the door, somewhat askew and enthusiastically decorated with swirls in random colours.

"Nikoletta Temesvári. Charms, Trinkets, Wards and Artifice. Still setting up shop, limited items available."


New Foci

  • Creating a new T1 Faith focus
    • 4 Shillings and fivepence
    • "It's strange, but I can work with it"
  • Creating a new T1 Occult focus
    • 4 Shillings
    • "Yes! I know these things!"
  • Enchanting a weapon as a Martial focus
    • 4 Shillings + existing weapon
    • "Magic sword! Very fun!"
  • Creating a new T1 Destruction focus
    • 5 Shillings
    • "This I also know!"

Upgrading Foci

Currently available up to T3

  • Upgrading Faith/Occult/Martial foci:
    • 2 Shillings
  • Upgrading Destruction foci:
    • 2 Shillings and fivepence



Prices are 5 pence per Tier of alchemical unless stated otherwise.

OOC Note: Alchemicals that reference [SP] use either the Tier of the alchemical or the user's SP, whichever is higher (Self alchemicals), alchemicals that reference [Tier] use the tier of the alchemical (all others)

Stormcaller's Gem (T1, Special)

Spending ten seconds rubbing this piece of amber with a cloth will cause a peal of thunder to ring out. It can be used repeatedly, but the magic will fade a few days after it is used.

Side-effect: Nondamaging but painful electrical shocks

Illuminating Monocle (T1, Applied)

Anything viewed through this monocle appears as bright as day, even in pitch blackness, and most magical forms of darkness are seen through. It must be kept in a sealed bag before use, and will stop working approximately a day after being exposed to any form of light.

Side-effect: It's a monocle. No depth perception.

Exorcist's Monocle(T1, Self)

When the chemicals in the provided phial are dripped over this monocle, for around a day any undead and demons seen through it will be outlined in lurid red light.

Side-effect: The monocle clouds over, anything else seen through it is a murky white.

Amber Whetstone (T1+, Applied)

Using this whetstone on a blade - or, indeed, any melee or thrown weapon - will not sharpen it, rather imbue into it a measure of Taranin's fury, granting it one of the following enhancements depending on its type. Its wielder counts as proficient for the enhanced blow. Melee weapons gain one Fast Tempest blow at a minimum of [Tier/2] damage, or it enhances [Tier] thrown weapons with a Fast Tempest blow each.

Amber Arrow (T1, Applied)

When this arrow is nocked to a bow, it immediately fires a Fast Tempest blow.

Amber Bolt (T1, Applied)

When this bolt is placed into a crossbow, it is immediately loaded with a Fast Tempest blow. It still needs to be aimed to be fired.

Taranin's Messenger (T1+, Special)

A sheet of paper with faint Lichtenberg figures on it. Folded properly, then cast into the air while a person's image is held clearly in the mind, it will seek out its recipient. Writing something on it first would be advised.

Travels up to [Tier] miles

Side-effect: Small electric shock to the recipient

Orb of Shadows (T1, Mass)

A small black glass sphere, cold to the touch. When shattered, it expands into a 5ft burst of black smoke, placing the area affected in cover.

Side-effect: hallucinations: the flickering of bright eyes in the smoke

Realtai's Lantern (T1, Mass)

This lantern gives little light, and briefly, but those caught in its meager illumination find they need no illumination to see by at all for a short while.

Mass Darkvision for an encounter.

Additional doses of the alchemical are refuels of the special oil it burns.

Side-effect: Those affected will find full illumination quite blinding for a few encounters.

Dust of Primacy (T1, Self)

A consecrated powder, which, when inhaled, grants the user proficiency in any weapon they wield for [SP] encounters, and any damage dealt with such weapons is Prime.

Side-effect: feelings of divine awe. It also smells like smoke and sulfur, and may cause respiratory issues with prolonged use.

Incense of the Distant Present (T2, Special)

When this is burnt, peering into the smoke will reveal events as they unfold elsewhere.

Side-effect: Stinging of the eyes and coughing

Crescent Whetstone (T3+, Applied)

This crescent-shaped whetstone can be drawn across a blade inner-edge-first to give it [Tier] Through Lunar blows for the encounter (these blows have a minimum damage grade of Double), or drawn across armour outer-edge-first to give it [Tier] Glances for the encounter.

Hood of the Unseen (T4, Self)

Anyone who dons this curiously colourless hood will find their body and clothes fading from view - save the eyes - for 1 minute.

They enter stealth at a rating of 5 and may move at full speed without breaking stealth, but any offensive calls made immediately end the effecr.

Side-effect: The night is cold, and one untouched by light cannot be warmed by it. This is normally harmless, but if the user is wet or otherwise incapable of warming up it may pose a problem.

Prism of Translocation (T4, Self)

When this rune-inscribed crystal prism is thrown at the user's feet, it bursts into an eruption of auroral light, and the user reappears in an unoccupied space they can see within 30 paces in another burst of light.

Side-effect: Disorientation, feelings of the ground being unsteady or lack of perception of direction