János Shop

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These are the available potions and alchemical items from the Molnár y Nagy shop in Brandkirk.

Miner’s Lodestone – 5p ea.

Used by Jovatesz miners for generations. When chipped, the pieces will fall in a manner indicating one’s location and certain directions. Can be used repeatedly, but will crumble within a few days once damaged.

{With ten seconds of chipping and reading the lodestone, the user can tell where they are and where they are going.}

May cause dizziness and ear-popping as if one is descending into a great cavern.

Silver Loupe of the Sawbones – 5p ea.

A thin and watery phial in which is suspended a treated silver dust. When dropped into one eye, it permits a quick diagnosis of broader injuries for a day or thereabouts.

{With five seconds of contact, you learn the current hits and ailing effects upon a target. This effect persists for one linear.}

May cause itching and redness in the eye or eyes.

Tonics of Efficacious Physick – costs vary

This is what many seek. A draught of hearty red, which will close wounds and heal injuries. It is not a bottled immortality, and it will not lengthen life. I make no false claims, unlike some unscrupulous liars.

Comes in many strengths. Batches brewed to size and strength as you need. Please see the chart beside my scales for detailed prices.

Weakest: 5p per bottle.

Strongest: 2S5p per bottle.

{Potions that restore 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 hits per location. Cost is 5p per hit global.}

May cause dizziness, light-headedness, or loss of balance. Stronger doses cause stronger effects!

Beber of the Good Worm – 5p ea.

These leeches are raised with care, in clean water, and fed no blood. I raise them on alchemical agents and poison, and they gain a taste for venom of all kinds. Swallow this leech, distasteful as it seems, and it shall drink the poison out of your body from within.

{Cures Poison}

This will not be a pleasant experience, but it is better than dying of poison!

Evil-Eye Charm – 5p ea.

A variety of designs of charm against the evil eye as directed by individuals who mean you harm. Kissing this will cause fell fate to pass you by!

Stronger charms available on request, costing 1S5p and 2S5p.

{Cause the next mundane Ranged Attack you would suffer this encounter to Miss you. 1S5p variant hangs for 2 encounters. 2S5p hangs for 3 encounters.}

May strengthen belief in superstitions.

Bastard’s Coins & Liar’s Dice – 5p per set.

With alchemical attention, these items and other similar objects of chance can be treated to act under the owner’s direction for a short time.

{You may control their actions in games of fate and chance for one encounter}

May stain fingers with durable ink. No payment will be made for clothing smeared this way!

Evil-Eye Wards – 1S ea.

These are wards worn against broader fates, ill omens, and putting one’s feet wrong. Kissing this will invoke its magics and cause your step to be true.

Stronger charms available on request, costing 1S5p and 2S5p.

{Cause the next Trap you would trigger this encounter to Miss you. 1S5p variant hangs for 2 encounters. 2S5p hangs for 3 encounters.}

May cause unusual jumpiness.

Grandmother Molnár’s Fine Tea – 1S per cup.

I will brew these for you in my shop on request, and will read and interpret the leaves for you, should you wish.

You may also buy these to take with you, and they will keep well.

These are fine leaves from fine bushes, and they make a strong tea that will put good hairs upon your arms!

Reading of the leaves is a great tradition.

{This grants insight into the most likely outcome of an event. Prophecy is not an exact art.}

There is no side-effect, but you must brew and enjoy this for it to work. Make it last!

Bloodvine Ointment – 1S ea.

Curative ointments which work strongly in a small area, applied to the skin or directly to injury. Not good for healing organs, but excellent for torn muscle or bruised bone.

Do not apply to the chest!

{Cures Broken and restores all hits to one limb.}

Will cause a strong burning sensation where applied. That just means it is working to heal you!

Mandragora Bairn – 1S ea.

No, it is not a whole mandrake. I am not such a fool as to keep those in my shop!

These effigies are made by wrapping the leaves and vines of an unripe mandrake all about an apple. The leaves desire roots, and when hurled at the ground, they will cause them to grow and wrap like a caul.

Splitting the bairn open upon a weapon will allow the thick sap to work upon impact.

{When thrown, calls Entangle. Requires Alchemy or Thrown skill to throw.}

May scream loudly.

Incense of ördög – 1S5p ea.

I question why you need this, but I will make it for you!

This is a special incense lozenge, and it comes with a special tar. Coat the teeth in this tar, light the incense and blow it out, and hold the smouldering incense between the teeth. You will experience the strange, perhaps a closeness to the Gods, and you will see the world in new ways. You will find things you have overlooked, and you will make connections between things.

{Permits the user to find something they have overlooked in a scene, literally or metaphorically.}

Please understand, this is not a fun experience. You will have a bad time.

Heartroot Perfume – 1S5p per vial

A perfume made from Heartroot and from the pollen of carnivorous plants. When inhaled, it enriches the body with stolen vitality. Again, this will not lengthen one’s life unnaturally. I warn you against the desire to take this as a common snuff, for it is habit-forming.

Stronger doses available on request for 2S5p.

{Cures Broken on the Torso, and restores 2 hits per location, or 3 hits per location for the stronger version}

May cause tightness in the chest, sneezing, hunger for meat, and is addictive.

Ashen Shroud of Esztrevetlan – 1S5p ea.

Folded burial-cloths containing earth, dust, ash, and regretful tears.

Unfurl this violently under prayer, and the dust will dance upon the wind and re-enact the memory of a place.

{consult a ref to see the memory of the encounter-space}

Will certainly cause feelings of impending doom. May also affect the youngest person in the room.

Vile Perfume – 1S5p per vial.

A powder of several natural toxins.

It is sucked into the mouth, where living spittle makes it quick, and then spat at one’s foe or onto a blade.

I will refuse to sell this to those I believe plan to kill unlawfully.

Stronger mixtures available for 2S and 2S5p.

{Allows the user to call one Poison at range, or to coat a weapon, replacing its next damaging call with the poison call. Strength of the effect is 3/4/5 for low/med/high cost.}

The side effects, should you misuse this, will be a taste of your own medicine.

Incense of Instinct – 2S ea.

When burned, this incense may wreathe those nearby and grant them good instincts in following a better fate.

Stronger versions available for 2S5p.

{Grants up to 4 targets, or 5 targets for the 2S5p version, a single Miss to use as they wish. These Misses last 3 encounters. A user with Spellpower 5 may use the cheaper version to grant 5 Misses.}

May cause feelings of deifically-granted invulnerability.

Troublesome Lichen – 2S per phial.

A fine powder of lichen from caves where the dead are interred, with treatments made known only to local Jova folk. Inhaled, it takes root in the lungs for a short time. Upon nearing death, it vivifies.

Stronger doses available for 2S5p.

{Lasts 2 encounters, or 3 with stronger dose. Upon entering your death count, instantly restores 1 hit per location and the effect ends.}

May cause tightness across the body, as if being buried, for up to a week.

Inverted Mercury – 2S per phial.

Breathing the fumes of mercury is bad for you. Inverting the mercury makes one reactive, smooth, sharp, On Point. Sharpens the mind for a fight.

Larger phials available for 2S5p.

{Grants the user 4 uses of “Miss, and Disarm that weapon”. 5 uses on the 2S5p version}

May cause all the side-effects of breathing mercury. Tremors, confusion, headaches, and seeing vivid flashes in the eye.

Phoenix Down – 2S5p ea.

This is the down of the phoenix, true as I live and breathe.

Set it in the hair and light it. It will burn for a short time, and should you meet the reaper upon the road, he will pluck the feather and leave you standing.

{Lasts 3 encounters. If you would enter your death count, you instead receive a Full Heal and the effect ends.}

You will be haunted by the screams of the dying phoenix for an unknown amount of time.

Unweaving-Needle – commission only.

Speak to me about the legend of Kosczey the Deathless, and I shall tell you the story of my greatest work.

Superlative Tonic of the Red Muscaric – 2S5p ea.

A brew of very specific mushrooms which look very much the same as other, very deadly mushrooms. This is the strongest healing draught I know of. It is warming, delicious, and you will want more.

{Overheal 5. That is, heal 5 hits per location, and any excess healing becomes “extra hits” that last until the end of the encounter.}

Causes altered body image, as if you were huge and the world small. Your perceptions will bend.